Nuwara Eliya , Tourist Landmarks

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About the city

Nuwara Eliya

Nuwara Eliya city is the administrative capital of nuwara eliya, that is located on top of a mountain about thousand feet above sea level and is about 108 kilometers from colombo city. nuwara eliya is also known as little england picturesque landscape and temperate cool climate – the coolest area in Sri Lanka. The nuwara eliya name means "city on the plain (table land)" or "city of light. Most of the citizens work in tea plantations, as nuwara eliya city holds the first rank in producing tea. 

The city was founded bySamuel Baker in the 19 century,Many of the buildings retain features from the colonial period such as theQueen's Cottage, and the hill club. becoming the prime sanctuary of the British civil servants and planters in Ceylon.